DI Konrad Merz | merz kley partner, Dornbirn (AT)
About us
As an Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ARPAF) project, Triple Wood aims to promote a sustainable wood building culture in the EUSALP Region that brings social, ecological, and economical benefits to its communities. Six partners from five European countries (Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, and Slovenia) are contributing to the success of the project. The selection of the exemplary wood construction projects was guided by an international panel of experts.
Project selection
Based on suggestions for suitable wood construction projects made by the Triple Wood partners, a panel of experts selected the projects now shown in the exhibition on July 25th, 2018. The members of the panel were:
DI Konrad Merz | merz kley partner, Dornbirn (AT)
DI Konrad Merz | merz kley partner, Dornbirn (AT)
Dr. Matthias Ammann | holzbau_kunst vorarlberg, Ludesch (AT)
Antoine Patte | Union of Forest Communities in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (FR)
Jérôme Voutier | Association Bois des Alpes, (FR)
Damien Lozach | Association Bois des Alpes, (FR)
Prof. Peter Cheret | cheret bozic architekten bda dwb, (DE)
Joachim Hörrmann | proHolzBW GmbH, (DE)
Martin Rist | Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg (DE)
Christina Thum | Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing Baden-Württemberg (DE)
Martina Demattio | Energy Agency of South Tyrol – CasaClima (IT)
Ing. Mauro Carlino | ARCA Architettura Comfort Ambiente, (IT)
Prof. em. Hansjörg Hilti | Architekturbüro AG, Schaan (LI)
Bernard Likar | Lesarski grozd / Wood Industry Cluster (SI)
Dr. Iztok Šušteršič | InnoRenew CoE, (SI)
As a Macroregional Strategy of the European Union, the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) is an integrated framework to address common challenges faced by the member states and third countries located in the Alps region. Through strengthened cooperation, the strategy aims to achieve economic, social and territorial cohesion.
To support the implementation of the EUSALP strategy in the fields of environment, transport and depopulation, a funding for preparatory actions of 2 million Euro was granted by the EU Parliament. The six funded projects share the goal of boosting the economy and the social prosperity of the area with a strong focus on sustainability. A new relationship between metropolitan, peri-mountain and mountain areas is the main added value of this approach.